We Rate Apologies, Not Women
Pottymouth goes full teacher and provides an apology teaching moment with both the Brockton Rox and Alex Cora. Patti goes teacher wannabe trying to get Pottymouth to say “uniform” and not “outfit.” We review the ASG uniforms, selections, and how All Star rosters get there. There are a lot of brothers facing off in MLB, including some boyfriends and guest appearances by significant others and a cat. Spencer listens to Miggy but not Dad, and TEX does not listen to us regarding RP acquisitions. Please help Patti get a commemorative “I Drank From the World’s Largest Old Fashioned” glass from the Madison Mallards. Crosstraining this week is with the NHL as they and the NHLPA announce their Player Inclusion Commision. Help us celebrate our upcoming 300th episode by donating to Proud To Be In Baseball, and we may reward you with a prize.
We say “If you have a chance to feed baseball players, feed baseball players,” “a three-legged stool and everyone else sits on top,” and “we have a LOT of opinions per capita.” Fight the man, send your game balls to Meredith, and find us on Twitter @ncibpodcast, on Facebook @nocryinginbball, Instagram @nocryinginbball and on the Interweb at nocryinginbball.com. Please take a moment to subscribe to the show, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to NCiB. Become a supporter at Patreon to help us keep doing what we do. Say goodnight, Pottymouth.