Pottymouth: Origin Story
It wasn’t a spider bite or gamma rays that gave Pottymouth her Red Sox fandom superpowers, it was her Dad. Hear Bob’s stories of Ted Williams, childhood trips to watch the home team from the bleachers, brushes with fame, and the nice Jewish boys playing for the church league.
It wasn’t a spider bite or gamma rays that gave Pottymouth her Red Sox fandom superpowers, it was her Dad. Hear Bob’s stories of Ted Williams, childhood trips to watch the home team from the bleachers, brushes with fame, and the nice Jewish boys playing for the church league. He confirms the till now urban legend of pulling young Pottymouth from the Fenway stands to protect her from the salty language, gives in to our awkward attempts to get him to say “Schwarber,” and becomes the only guest we’ve had to censor (for use of proper names, not outside words.) Happy New Year from NCiB!